

Here, we have compiled answers to the most common questions about hiking Kilimanjaro to help you prepare for your adventure. Whether you're curious about the best time to climb, what to pack, or how to acclimatize, we've got you covered.

What vaccines should I take before traveling to Tanzania?

Before traveling to Africa the required vaccinations shots are: Typhoid, done in conjunction with Hepatatis; Hepatitis B done in 3 parts over a 6 month period (must get 2 minimum) and Yellow Fever.

If you decide to stay on in Africa and travel further afield you should also consider getting vaccinated against diphtheria, rabies, cholera and tetanus.

What route shall we use on our climb?

We strongly recommend Lemosho and Machame route. Those are the only routes that affords all climbers incredible views of the Kilimanjaro peak over their pre-acclimitisation phase. It allows climbers pass through 5 ecosystems, a system unique to Kilimanjaro. On route the climbers will pass over the highest plateau in the world, the Shira plateau

Can you tell me about the preparation for climbing and just how fit do i have to be?
  •  All persons are capable of making this climb regardless of age/previous fitness. The team have proved this time and time again but the 12 week preparatory program that everyone must undergo examines and requires the following steps.
  • A full blood test assessing the 6 key pre markers for altitude
  • A fully supported nutritional programme that addresses key areas such as the immune system / metabolic rate / energy output
  • Outdoor climbing/hill walking on relevant Irish summits whose topographies mirror that of Kilimanjaro
  • A fully supported cardio Gym program that addresses aerobic/anaerobic/core work
  • This is about getting you ready for the challenge ahead and not about comparing fitness levels with others. Please note that any pre existing medical conditions must be made known first.
What kind of gear will I need?

Upon booking we will provide you with a list of the equipment you will need to complete the climb safely

Do I need to get a Visa?

A local visa to enter Tanzania is required – it costs $50-100 depend on nationality, and is payable upon entry at the Airport. A minimum of 2 blank pages is required, your passport must be at least 6 moths old.

What kind of weather can I expect in the Kilimanjaro ecosystem?

Daytime temperatures range between 20⁰-27⁰ celsius, depending on the month. The sun can be very high on Kilimanjaro so it is important that you pack a high factor sun protection cream. Night time temperatures can range from 2⁰-3⁰ celsius on the Shira Plateau, to as low as -10⁰. For those climbing in May there is the slight possibility of rain.

Where do we sleep during the ascent and descent?

We provide Mountain Hardwear Trango 3 tents which are shared by 2 people.

Are there toilet facilities at the camps?

Yes, chemical toilets are transported up the mountain by the team of porters, there is toilets rolls and treated water as well.

What is my luggage allowance to Africa and then when climbing Kilimanjaro?

On the flight you can bring 20kg for all of your gear/personal wear.

You must leave all valuables/non mountain wear in the hotel and the baggage allowance for the climb is 16kg for Females, 15kg for Males. These bags are carried by the porters. Each day you will only carry a day sack, which has your essentials, a 2 litre platypus water carrier, a top, hat, gloves and snacks

How do i clean myself on the mountain?

Each climber receives a bowl of warm water and soap every morning and evening for washing. We recommend packing baby wipes for regular cleaning purposes on each day.

And remember there will be a long hot shower waiting for you in the hotel when you get back!

What's the food like?

Just like at home! Not only will you get a cup of tea every morning and evening, our cooks and their team of chefs cook everything fresh from chicken and chips to spaghetti Bolognese. They cater for all tastes and dietary requirements. Birthday cakes are even made for those celebrating on the mountain

What is the hygiene status on the climb, is there a supply of fresh water?

The highest standards of hygiene is maintained through the entire stay. All water is treated and filtered using the Katadyn water system, which ensures top quality water daily for drinking and food preparation.

How is my health monitored on the mountain?
  • A very careful approach is undertaken. Everlasting Tanzania provide full medical support with an African or Irish doctor present on all trips. We also carry full medical supplies that could possibly be required from oxygen tanks to resuscitation equipment.
  • Everyone is assessed daily, both morning and evening for; respiratory rate, heart rate, blood pressure and O2 saturation levels.